Your order is delivered within some hours, depending on the distance to your place (including the day that your order is received).
The travel time for your order, between our warehouse and your delivery location, varies between some few hours.
For packages delivered to ACCRA and it environs take mostly between 1 hour to 2 hours depending on your location
For packages delivered OUTSIDE ACCRA take mostly between 4 hour to 8 hours depending on your location
For packages over 15 kg, we offer a home delivery service (to your door or to your building entrance), by private carrier, with a delivery time arranged in advance.
Can I have my order delivered to a different location ?
Yes, simply specify a delivery address different from your billing address.
Tip: Use this option to have your order delivered to your place of work or home.
The place it came to is not the place I specified.
Your order has been delivered to a different place than the place you specified on your order. Please contact Customer Service to find out what to do.
Your order may have been sent as a series of partial deliveries. Please check whether the missing products have been scheduled for another delivery later by call customer Service.
My package has been delivered to a different Person.
Contact our Customer Service and check that your delivery details are accurate and complete.
My package has been delivered but I haven’t received it.
The delivering notice that you received indicates that it has been handed to the provider tasked with delivering it.
You are notified by call whenever your order is sent.
If you do not receive your package by the delivery date specified by the provider, please contact our Customer Service department.